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How Trademark Lawyers Can Be Savvy with Social Media

Staying on top of your clients’ marks is important as a trademark lawyer – which is exactly why we created Name Warden! Name Warden does the admin work of trademark tracking.  Name Warden figures out and keeps track of deadlines…
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Do Not Register Trademark-infringing Domain Names – With David Weslow

Watch the full video at: If you are a domain name broker or an experienced investor that regularly receives emails from new investors, asking for helper valuation, and the portfolio they are sending you is full of trademarked domain names,…
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Trademark Concern in Relation to the Internet Domain Names

Keyword- Internet Domain Name Marking any identification on the goods has been practicing from ancient times. People since ancient times using this practice to make the goods identification mark. As the civilization grew, innovative and new techniques of business demanded…
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Trademark Demand Letters – Avoiding Unforced Errors In The Age of Social Media

Building—and then maintaining—a powerful brand is difficult; registering a trademark to protect your brand can also be a challenge. When you discover someone using your brand and trademarks for their own purposes (especially for profit), an indignant, incensed response is…
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Pub sued for infringing Rogue brewery trademark learns why it’s best to have insurance in place before posting on social media about your new business logo

If you didn’t eat at the , you missed your chance. It ceased and desisted back then and became the (“Boise’s best sports pub”) after , sued for trademark infringement, cybersquatting, unfair competition, and the gamut of regularly accompanying claims.…
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Social Media Influence in the Trademark World

Social media, whether you view it as friend or foe, invades every part of our lives and brands were quick to become part of that narrative. This creates a number of challenges for the companies involved. Standing out amongst all…
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